OK grandkids, I put a picture on my profile, but I don't know how to make it bigger. Any help out there?
Christmas was great. Mac went to Colorado for the week, and I went to the family Christmas Eve dinner at Linc and Cindy's, good food, wonderful company and The Dalton's new kitchen served the group with very much ease and hospitality.
Christmas Day morning I went to the Nate/Shauna Dalton's to see all the 'opening of presents'. I wished we had done it one at a time when Jeff, Linc, and Nate were young, it would have lasted a lot longer. We just had a hard time beating the three of them out of bed. Sometimes they would be up at 2:00 have opened all their presents and gone back to bed. Then when we got up at 6:00 or so, it looked like we had been invaded from Mars. Of course, Linc always knew what he was getting before then as he was able to figure out all the hiding places at a very early age. I finally figured out I should have them wrapped before I got them home. I don't know how people get kids to stay in bed until 7:00 a.m. Now I'm old enough I don't have to figure it out anymore.
Linc/Cindy, Peter/Michelle, Anna, Laura all came by last week and it was nice to see them all. The newlyweds look wonderfully happy, and of course, handsome and beautiful as can be.
Denise Wood Carroll and husband, David and two grandkids came by (they are allergic to dogs) so we went on over to Hank and Mary Ann Isaksens house to nibble food and visit. We had a good visit. Hank has so many interesting archeological and geological things and places and all to share (wonderful collection of arrowheads he has found around this area too)
Then David and Mary Steiner who live in Leedsville, LA, (my cousin on Amy Ella Hawkes Smith)my mom's side and their son, Cary Steiner who lives in Washington, Utah [he just lost his wife to cancer, has a 17 and 15 year old and a 2 year old] also Paula Obrey Bell, cousin on mom's side and husband Con and Carole Obrey Jones, cousin on mom's side and husband Owen all came over for dinner on Monday the 29th of December. We had a very nice visit, and renewed acquaintance after approximately 40 years. Cary would be your second cousin and David, Paula, & Carole cousins once removed. Nate knows how to figure all this out! See what you all have to look forward to?
I also need to correct an earlier post. I said that Hannah and Clint came by after Thanksgiving for a visit, but it was Hayley and Clint. I was glad for the visit, even if I got the names switched.
Beautiful January and it is going to be a wonderful year. Love
My Grandfathers who were Kings of Norway
5 months ago
I want to come visit! I will be close in April for a BYU graduation.
Thanks for the news I check frequently.
There you are blogging away, listening to books on your iPod Nano, staying up with the young folk!
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