Here it is written out. Between my ‘ENSIGNS in America” book and Lark’s computer, genealogy skills and a delightful phone conversation with Lark, this is the result. Luvmom
From: LARK REASOR Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:13 PM
To: familySMITHHawkes Myrle Lee Dalton; family SMITHHawkes Lincoln Dalton
Subject: Horace Samuel ENSIGN - Missionary Japan
Horace Datus Ensign (our grandfather) and Samuel Ensign were brothers. Their father’s name was Isaac Ensign. They both arrived in Nauvoo after Joseph Smith was martyred in June of l844. They joined the church about l842 or 43 in Hartford Conneticut. They moved to Nauvoo from Hartford Connecticut where the Ensigns’ were some of the founders of that City. They moved with the exodus from Nauvoo and Horace Datus died of the ‘Black Canker’ in Winter Quarters. Samuel, his brother, brought Horace Datus’s wife, Mary Bronson and the children on to Salt Lake City with him and his family arriving in about September of l847. Samuel Ensign had a son named Horace Sobreski Ensign and a grandson named after him, Horace Samuel Ensign. See below. [ Samuel died while working on the SLC temple in an accidental fall from the Temple wall]
Horace Samuel ENSIGN Birth: Nov. 10, 1871 Salt Lake City Salt Lake County Utah, USA Death: Aug. 29, 1944 Salt Lake City Salt Lake County Utah, USA
Son of Horace Sobreski Ensign and Martha Triplett Married Mary Linda Whitney, 21 Jun 1894, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Married Ara Elizabeth Hunsaker, 24 Jan 1918, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah President of the Japan Mission.
For many years he was a member of the Tabernacle Choir and made several trips with that organization as a soloist. Later he made his home in Wichita, Kansas, where he still resided in 1936. Japanese saints: Mormons in the land of the rising sun By John Patrick Hoffmann Introduction pg.1
On September 1, 1901, four men stood on a small hill overlooking Yokahama and dedicated the nation of Japan for missionary work. Elder Heber J. Grant, who was to later become the seventh president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), prayed to God that Satan would release his hold on the minds of the Japanese people and that they might be prepared to recongnize the truth that he and his companions offered. Elder Grant and these companions, Louis A. Kelsche, Horace S. Ensign, and nineteen-year-old Alma O. Taylor, were sent by the leaders of the LDS Church to open another Asian nation to the spirited proselytizing efforts of what has emerged in the insuing years as one of the fastest fgrowing religious bodies in the world... Early 1901 pg.24
Over the next several months, [Heber J.] grant, who had never before served a fulltime mission for the Church, selected two experienced men to accompany him to Japan: twenty-nine-year-old Horace S. Ensign, who had recently returned from a mission to colorado and had previousley served as Gran't secretary; and Louis A. Kelsch, who had served several mission for the LDS Church, most recently in Chicago. A third companion was eighteen-year-old Alma O. Taylor, who lived near Gran't home and worked in his family's undertaking business. None of the "Japanese Quartet," as they were known, spoke any Japanese, although Alma Taylor immediately acquired a Japanese language book and began to study Buddhist Philosophy. Japan Mission, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, vol. 4 by Andrew Jenson
Presidents: Heber J. Grant, 1901-1903; Horace Samuel Ensign, 1903-1908; Alma O. Taylor, 1908-1910; Elbert D. Thomas, 1910-1912; Heber Grant Ivins, 1912-1915; Joseph Henry Stimpson, 1915-1921; Lloyd Ivie, 1921-1923; Hilton A. Robertson, 1923-1924. The mission was closed in June, 1924.... Ensign » 1984 » September - name Horace S. Ensign found in article
Horace Samuel ENSIGN and George Ensign SMITH are 2nd cousins 1 time removed. Their common ancestors are Isaac ENSIGN Rev.WarVet. and Lydia NOBLE. Horace Samuel ENSIGN and Lincoln Smith DALTON are 2nd cousins 3 times removed. Their common ancestors are Isaac ENSIGN Rev.WarVet. and Lydia NOBLE.Rev.WarVet=Revolutionary War Veteran
My Grandfathers who were Kings of Norway
6 months ago
1 comment:
Mormon Tabernacle Choir: Evan Stephens, Director (1890-1916), with Horace S. Ensign, assistant.
I also found 3 photos picturing the missionaries.
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